Tuesday, September 16, 2008

~ Feeling like Fall ~

Sunday afternoon I took a hike around the homestead. You can feel Fall in the air and the weeds are getting their seedheads. I picked some to make an arrangement , it has that wonderful Fall feel to it.
My sister brought me some grapes and a friend sent me some pears , so I'll be making some jelly and canned pears today.

~ May your day be Blessed ~


  1. Hi Joyceann,
    I love your fall arrangement!
    We can feel fall in the air here also!
    Happy canning !:o) Our pear tree is loaded this yr. but not ripe yet.??
    Have a great day !

  2. Hi Joyceann - I love your seasonal arrangement...so pretty. It's definitely feeling like fall here, also. I love the recent warm days and cool, clear nights.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    peace, Sallie
