Tuesday, October 14, 2008

~ Snake in the House ~

I had a very unwelcome guest in the house this morning. I don't like to kill snakes , but this one invaded my territory and had to be dealt with. I went to throw some junk mail away and it was wrapped around the trashcan. I grabbed the broom and gave him a few good whacks. I couldn't take a chance on it getting away , so it's history.
Yesterday I canned 9 pints of grape jelly and 4 quarts of pears. My uncle brought me some more pears this past weekend , I plan to make more preserves from them. What are you harvesting and preserving this week ?

~ Many Blessings ~



  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Wish we had pears to preserve. I'm still working apples into apple butter and applesauce. These are made up and taking up space in the fridge 'til I can get them into jars tomorrow eve. =)

    Great job!

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I hate it when they come in the house. Stay in my yard please. We have had quite a few more snakes around this year. I did some pearbutter it is yummy the grandkids love it. Also did some mint pepper jelly. Love Hugs and Blessings

  3. Hi Joyceann,
    Oh my Goodness! A snake in the house.
    I finished up all the apples and pears.
    Been making dish/tea towels I am bartering.
    Hope you have a great wk. snake free!

  4. Hi Joyceann,
    I lost your comment doen't know what happened!
    You ask about the pear bread ,I went to Google and typed in Recipe for pear bread, several came up.
    Hope you find one ya'll like.

  5. Yipes A snake in the house! That's worse than being in dreams.

    No perserving at the moment.
    Just creating and sewing. Going to babysit later for a few hours.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  6. You are much calmer than I would have been. Snakes outside I trap and set free somewhere else. Snakes in the house I would be too busy standing on a chair wondering where the rest of the snake family was. LOL
