Monday, August 10, 2009

Tomato , Tomatoe , Tomatoes

~~ Drying Tomatoes ~~

~~ Almost Ready ~~

~~ Dried Tomatoes ~~

~~ Spaghetti Sauce Cooking ~~

~~ Spaghetti Sauce ~~

~~ Spicy Salsa ~~

Do you say tomato or tomatoe ? Around here it's been tomatoes lately , I must admit my tomatoes didn't do so well again this year. We had a very dry June and a cool July , the tomato vines grew beautifully , but the tomatoes are small , rot on the ends and cracking. But I have been saving what I can , I've also bought tomatoes from a local farm to make salsa and spaghetti sauce.

The Roma and Tommy Toe tomatoes have produced well , they're the plants I used clay pot irrigation with , next year I will use that method on all of the tomatoes. Our garden is to far away from the house to water with a hose and toting water is a pain , so clay pot irrigation will be the best solution. I only had to add water once a week or less if we had rain. I tried to leave the tops off if I knew it was going to rain so the clay pots would fill up.

I made spaghetti sauce for the first time this year , my SIL and I canned 17 quarts + 4 jars of tomato juice. I used the recipe from the Blue Book of Canning , but tweaked it quite a bit , so I guess you could say it 's my own recipe , that recipe was just a starting point. I hate those recipes that only make 3 qts , if I'm going to can spaghetti sauce or salsa , I want to make enough for a full canner . Anyway it turned out great and I 'll be making more next year.

I also canned 11 qts of salsa and 4 jars of tomato juice. We love spicy salsa around here , I'll probably make more soon. The small tomatoes coming off my vines , we're eating or dehydrating. This is the first time I've used my dehydrator and I started with the hardest thing to dry , tomatoes. But they seem to be drying well , it has taken longer than the book recommendation though.

BTW , spell check says tomato is the correct spelling (LOL).

~ Garden Blessings ~



  1. Joyceann - you are a very hard worker. Always doing something around the home. All those bottles of tomatos, sauces, salsa and dried (which I have not tried yet) will look so nice in the winter cupboard. It is so satisfying getting ready for the colder months.

  2. All that good harvest stored away in jars - what a happy reminder of summer.

  3. Hi Vickie & JoAnn ~ Perserving the summer harvest is hard work , but come winter , I'm grateful to have those delicious tasting veggies on hand.

    ~ Harvest Blessings ~

  4. JoyceAnn...we say maters down here but the correct southern pronunciation is: toe-may-toe or Tomato. I don't know how I missed this great post! Good job!

  5. Hi Carol ~ My late MIL called them tomaters , most of the older generation still call them that around here(LOL).

    ~ Many Blessings ~
