Friday, February 05, 2010

Another Snow Pic ............

Yea , I know I said no more snow pics for awhile but I just had to share this one. The guinea fowl stayed atop the fence at the coop on the first day of the snow , but the second day they ventured out in the snow and I captured this wonderful photo. I love the contrast of the black and white colors , with just a little color from the broom straw.Click on image to enlarge and see a better view.

Thanks for all the comments on the " Bear Tracks " post , they made me feel better about the situation. Knowing some of you grew up or live in bear country and have never had encounters or had harmless sightings helps relieve my nervousness , but we will try to be prepared if we do happen upon one. Judie suggested pepper spray and they do make a bear pepper spray , but I'm not sure I want a bear to get close enough for me to spray him. Although I might consider getting some , it would be safer to have on me when the Grands are here. I'll probably take hubby's pistol when I go hiking alone , although I would never shoot a bear unless I was attacked , but shooting past it or up in the air would probably send it running . I'll also take Shadow with me , I know he'll warn me of any danger ahead, that's why I took him with me Sunday. So , Thanks again and I hope everyone has a great weekend.
~ Many Blessings ~


  1. Love the photo!
    Hope you have a great wk.end!

  2. I love that picture, I wish we had some guineas. I am glad we don't have bears around here, the coyotes are bad enough!

  3. Always be always be prepared. You never know if you come upon one that has something wrong with it and it might attack.

    Yes they have the bear sprays. Someone gave me pepper spray before and I hadn't ever had to use it and decided to see if it worked. It didn't even spray. It
    might of been old. I do not know.
    Maybe they have an expiration date on them that I didn't know about.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  4. Hi Flassie ~ I'm so glad you told me about that. I'll be sure to test the spray when I get it.

    ~ Thanks ~

  5. Great photo! The contrast is nice.

    If you make noise while out in the woods, then chances are you'll never see the bear. And taking Shadow is a good idea. Bears are generally just as scared of people as we are of them.

    We have a huge black bear population here in the Ouachita Mtns. We'll hear about one getting into some trash cans but very seldom hear of anyone encountering one.

    have a great weekend!
