Monday, February 15, 2010

~ A Great Valentine's Day ~

We had a great Valentine's Day , I invited the kids over for brunch. I cooked a good ole country breakfast of local made sausage , our fresh eggs , homemade biscuits , milky gravy and grits. We also had my homemade blackberry jelly and pear preserves , yum. I gave all the kids , grands and Dh homemade Valentine's cards I made using the pop-up card instructions on Flassie's blog and made snow cream as a Valentine's Day treat. The snow melted fast Saturday , but I filled a bowl and put it in the freezer , so I would have it for Sunday. It was a real treat , it's been 10 years since I eat snow cream.

I received earrings , ring and a new purse from my youngest daughter & the boys and a box of candy from Dh.

And the day ended with this view ............................................................

~ Many Blessings ~



  1. What a lovely loving day! Fun too!

  2. Thank you for the comment about the wood ashes being added to the bottom of the nest boxes. I had never heard of that, but I'm going to try it out when I put new wood chips in the boxes. Thank you very much!

  3. What a wonderful day - filled with so many lovely things. The best being the family that you were able to share the day with! ♥

    Gorgeous earrings & purse.

    And the view is a treasure unto itself.

    Thank you for sharing! :0)

  4. Beautiful gifts and what a
    wonderful lovely day you had!!

    The computer started to act
    up so I had to shut down before
    I could get to this blog entry,
    and finish telling you I think
    the hen is beautiful in the above
    blog entry.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!
