Saturday, May 15, 2010

Scenes from the Week ............................

We loss another guinea this week , not sure what happen to this one. I found it laying between a barrel and a piece of hubby's equipment. It didn't look like it had been attacked , so I think it might have flown into the metal and broke it's neck. We have 6 guineas left , they're thinning out quickly. Dh and I have been busy this week , we got the fencing up for the goats. We're using chain link and hubby had to make the panels , it was a pain , but it was free and made a great goat pen. We'll be adding more panels as we find them at bargain prices.

You gotta love this pic , Jazz was standing at the door of the new goat shed , looking at me and apparently thinking I'm not sure about this place , it took her awhile before she decided to come in (LOL).

Jo ran in and started exploring right away ...........

she found the hay and began eating. I have an old pull around grocery cart that I'm reusing as a hay rack , it works fine and I'm happy to find another use for it .

Jazz and Jo enjoying their sweet feed in the new goat shed.

Thought they wanted to ride , but when I started pulling the wagon , they jumped out (LOL).

The chickens are happy campers , I cleaned their coop yesterday. They're using two of the nesting boxes now.
Ms. Dandelion lays the blue/green eggs .

This is Iris , she lays white eggs ..............

look at the egg she laid yesterday. It's huge , almost 3 inches long , it maybe a double yolker.

We've got a new guest at the chicken coop. I have this old pot hanging outside the coop , I use it to dip water from a barrel to water plants with. But some little birdie decided it would make a great home , guess I'll have to find another dipper.

These brown bananas ..................................

made wonderful banana bread , it tasted delightful after all that work this week.

So , what was on your agenda this week ?

~ Many Blessings ~


  1. I had a busy week - eye surgeon appt in Seattle for Don (great progress being made), small quiling group at an alpaca farm on Thursday, grandson Ben on Friday and we baked cookies - and today I'm going to refinish two end tables for the living room. Great weather all week - yipppeeee.

  2. Hi JoAnn ~ Glad to hear it's going well with Don. The quilting group at an alpaca farm sounds like fun and homemade cookies are always a treat. I plan to bake some next week.

    ~ Be Blessed ~

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Ooh banana bread sounds good. I hope all continues to go well.

  4. Love the goat pen photos and the bird nest in the pot, The goats are so cute. Hope the guineas will be OK. I will be very glad when I get my chicken pen and coop clean. It is a real mess right now. The banana bread looks so good. mmmm!

  5. It is like you live in the garden of eartly delights.
    I love the picture of your goat! That is so cute.

  6. Sorry that you lost a guinea.

    Love seeing the photos of
    the animals. So funny about
    the bird nest in your dipper.

    Yum Banana Bread, I haven't
    made that for awhile now.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  7. That egg is something else!!

    Wow! Was it a double yolk?
