Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hot , Hot , Hot ..........................................

and I'm not talking about the weather (LOL). I'm taking care of the cayenne peppers today. We love hot and spicy foods around here ..........
So I string some to hang in the kitchen , we love cooked cabbage spiced up with red peppers .............................

I dry some for grinding into red pepper flakes , I love to sprinkle it atop my spaghetti or other pasta dishes ........

I also freeze a few of the cayenne peppers to make a thai hot sauce that calls for hot pepper , we love that sauce with rice and stemmed cabbage.

I'm planning to tincture some dried cayenne and jalapeno soon. I've never made cayenne tincture , but after reading about the benefits of cayenne peppers , would love to have some on hand. If you're interested in the benefits and the making of cayenne tincture , check-out this link
~ http://www.ehow.com/how_5240463_make-herbal-tinctures_-recipe-uses.html ~.

Cayenne is also good for your heart , check-out these links for more information about cayenne and the heart.

~ http://www.all4naturalhealth.com/cayenne-pepper-and-heart-health.html ~
~ http://www.thewomenwarriors.net/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=220 ~.

~ Heart Blessings ~


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Yeah to all those yummy, healthy herbs and veggies! They certainly do look good.


  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I love cayenne and jalapeno peppers. The pictures look fantastic. Love Hugs and Blessings

  3. I made a big pot of chili yesterday with cayenne...mmmm good! I also use cayenne cream to alleviate aches and pains...its uses are phenominal.

    I checked out your links...thanks!

    Here's wishing you a fantastic day!
