Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Holidays Are Over .....................................

and I know MoJo is glad that those mischievous grands are back to school , pre-school or back to their regular routines (LOL).

I've taken down the Christmas decorations , but decided I would display the Christmas photos awhile longer , they were one of my favorite gifts.

My youngest daughter made me this beautiful
no-sew blanket ...........

and gave me the Nana picture frame. My oldest daughter gave me the Christmas portraits and the book , Eat ~ Pray ~ Love . We're suppose to get snow this weekend , so I plan to snuggle up in that blanket and read my book. So .... Let it Snow , Let it Snow , Let it Snow !!

~ Many Blessings ~ JoyceAnn


  1. Love your gifts and I am with you... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

  2. Beautiful gifts. Eat Pray Love, I hope you love it as much as I did. I read it twice, when to see the movie (almost twice) and own the DVD and have watched that at least 3 times. So yes, I love Eat Pray Love.

  3. Such lovely gifts. So warm and heart-sent. Stay warm and safe this weekend.

  4. Love your gifts! How Blessed you are!:o)
    Have a great wk. and enjoy the reading .We got snow yesterday more to com.

  5. Darling photos - hope your weekend is as wonderful.

  6. Lovely gifts!

    My dd friend made her a no sew blanket.

    Have a Blessed Year!!!

    God Bless You and Yours!!!
