Curious J was here this past weekend , he spent Saturday night with us. He was in a creative mood and kept telling me he wanted to make something. So we pulled out this book I bought at the thrift store a few weeks ago , he loved it and decided our first creation should be " Funky Junk " sculpture.

I pulled out the 2 kitchen junk drawers and we begin to create. We created " Funky Junk " people. Dh created the one to the left , I created the middle man and Curious J created the happy camper on the right. I did pull 2 of the corks from my art supplies , but everything else came from the junk drawers.

Sunday was a rainy day , so we spent the day inside playing board games , video games and creating more " Funky Junk ". I created the plastic person , Curious J created the neat little sculpture to the right.

But we weren't finished creating , he saw something else in the book he wanted to make. They were called collage sculpture or time capsules and he chose to make one about his earlier years. We put a beanie baby monkey in there to represent his nickname sake , Curious George. He liked watching Curious George when he was a toddler and his exceptional curiosity made me start calling Curious J. He put a plastic link that he had as a baby and a small ball in there , but Little Froggy made claim on the ball when he saw it (LOL). We haven't sealed it yet , he may add a few more things before we seal it. I really enjoyed having him here this weekend , since he's in school we don't get to spend much time together.
~ Many Blessings ~ JoyceAnn
What an ingenious thought! I loved the way you all thought of such cool sculptures! :) Boy what I could make with my junk drawers...I think my Grandaughter would love this project as well as the time capsule.
Thanks for such great ideas JoyceAnn!
Many Blessings and Happy Spring!
I love the time capsule idea. And the little cork people are adorable... i'm repeating myself but you are an awesome grandma.
Hi WolfSong ~ Pull those junk drawers out , he loved going through the junk and I bet your granddaughter will too.
Hi Vickie ~ Thanks !!
What a wonderful idea! Love it!
Sounds like such a fun time! Looks like that book has a lot of great ideas.
Curious J's time capsule is kewl! He will enjoy opening it when he reaches college age. We made one where I worked in NC many years ago, and it was opened lots of years later. Many of the written "predictions" about the company had come true. Sweet you can work with your grandkids like that.
What a fun!
Those junk drawer
ideas are so cool!
God Bless You and Yours!!!
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