Friday, March 27, 2009

~ * ~ Little Tree ~ * ~

Yesterday , I kept all three of the little Grands for awhile. Enjoyed having them , but I was a worn out Nana by the end of the day.
I gave the baby his nickname , he will be called " Little Tree ". He will be 3 months old next week , he's growing fast and is such a sweet , content baby , cooing and smiling , such a joy.

Little Missy , helped Nana closeup the chicken coop. She stood and watched them for awhile. Then she got excited , let out a squeal and stomped her foot , the hens ran to the back of the coop , so we locked them up for the night (LOL).

~ Blessings to All ~



  1. I met a Many Trees b/4.
    That was his real name.

    Grandsbabies are so sweet.

    LOL! About Little Missy
    and the hens!

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  2. Hi Joyce Ann,
    How Precious!
    Don't forget "Earth Hour"tonight:o)
    Have agreat wk.end!

  3. OMG, how time goes by too fast - Little Tree is already three months old. Everytime I see your chicks I so want to have some but it'll come in time. Need a good secure coop.
