Monday, May 18, 2009

~ Apifera Farm and Pino ~

Katherine Dunn is a wonderful artist who gives from the heart. She is planning a charity event to honor Hospice Caretakers , please checkout her website and consider donating an Aporn or Quilt Square for the upcoming event. I will be donating this vintage aporn to the event , hope you'll help Katherine and Pino make this event the best ever.

...... Read All About It !!! ......

~~~ Donkey Blessings ~~~


  1. So glad you are getting in on this!

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  2. Flassie , I love her art and farm , enjoy visiting her website and reading about Pino.
    I've had this aporn a few years , bought it at a thrift store , hope someone buys it and helps Pino.

    ~ ~ Donkey Blessings ~ ~

  3. It's cute I think someone will.

    I have the very first apron I
    made in junior high still.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!
