Thursday, May 14, 2009

~~ Wild Herbs ~~

~ The blackberries are blooming ~

Look who I found peeping out under some violet leaves !

(Click on Photos to Enlarge)

~ Violet Wood-Sorrel ~

~ Venus Looking Glass ~

~ Herbal Blessings ~



  1. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Hi JoyceAnn. what is the difference between the violet wood sorrel and regular clover - other than the blooms. I think there is some growing in a recently cleared part of the yard and it looks like sorrel.

  2. Hi Annette , Sorrel does have different type blooms , we have at least 3 different types growing here. But check-out the leaves , each leaf petal has a heart shape , clovers are round. Clover leaves are usually a darker green too.

    ~ Green Blessings ~

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Ah, ok; then what we have is clover. I will keep the heart shaped leaves in mind - thank you! =)

  4. I wonder if a plant that is low
    growing and yellow flowers with
    the upside down heart shaped
    leaves is a realitive to the
    sorrel that I see growing around
    here in a field.

    Looking forward to blackberries.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  5. PS. I found a recipe for
    Dandilion Fritters. I
    think I you posted this
    site in the past. The
    one with the Herb Game,
    or I found it through a
    blog you posted.

    If you want to check it
    out click on Jessie's
    Front Porch Party Link.
    There is a link to it
    on my blog there.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  6. Hi Flassie ,
    We have a Yellow Wood-Sorrel , it has heart shaped leaves also. The leaves have a sour taste , they can be used in salads or used to make a drink like lemonade. I will try to find some to photograph.
    My field guide states to use in moderation , excessive consumption may inhibit calcium absorption.

    ~ Green Blessings ~

  7. Oh, Ok! I should take a photo too.
    I hope they haven't mowed it.

    The leaves sit to the sides
    and the heart shaped leaves
    are upside-down.

    The other sorrel I have tasted
    has larger leaves.

    Creative Kismet is having a art
    print giveaway, just encase you
    want to get in on it. I put up
    a link. She has tutorials on her
    site also. You have till midnight
    tonight to get in on it.

    I see the frog. So cute.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  8. Thanks Flassie , for the link to the giveaway. Her art is wonderful , I love them all but choose " Resolve " as my favorite.

    I haven't had a chance to find yellow sorrel yet and it's raining today.

    ~ Be Blessed ~

  9. I choose Resolve too!

    I took a pic late before dark.
    The blooms were closed up and
    the leaves were not laying to
    the sides. Weird. I will go
    back and hope they haven't
    mowed yet to get a pick of
    the blooms and see how the
    leaves lay during the day.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!
