Friday, May 22, 2009

~ Wild Herb Walk ~

I found these beautiful flowers growing in the front yard , never really noticed them before. The plants are called Cat's Ear , they're in the dandelion family. I'm not sure if they're edible , but they sure are pretty .

I finally got a descent photo of Yellow Wood-Sorrel.
( Click Photo to Enlarge )

~ Wild Grapes ~

~ Elderberry starting to bloom ~

~ Red Clover ~

~~ Herbal Blessings ~~


  1. I got a photo with the blooms closed. Does that sorrel close up at night?

    Thanks for showing me the sorrel.
    I'll have the check the bloom
    when I go by during the day. I'll
    take my camera and get a pick to
    see if it is the same.

    Fun herb walk and pretty blooms!

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  2. Hi Flassie , The blooms do close at night , they also develop a seed pod from the bloom.

    ~ Blessings ~

  3. love the photos. I need to go on a herb walk myself.

  4. Hej Joyce Ann,

    I put up two photos of
    the Yellow Sorrel. Well
    I do not know if it is
    or not.
    The shape of the petals
    look different than the
    one in your photo. Same
    color though.

    I might go and get another
    photo with less light. It
    was taken around 3 pm. So
    it isn't as clear as I'd
    like it to be.

    Notice how the leaves lay
    to the sides when the blooms
    are open and when they are
    closed the leaves purk up a

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  5. Hi Flassie , I just visited your blog and saw the pics. It is sorrel but not the same kind , that's why the leaves look different.
    Do an internet search on the two I mentioned , it's hard to see details with pics. There are several species of sorrel , they're all edible my field guide said.

    ~ Herbal Blessings ~

  6. Ok I'll do a search.

    They are smaller than the
    first sorrel I found out
    about many moons ago.
    They might look larger in
    the photo. But the leaves
    are small too. Unlike the
    large leaves I've seen on

    I put it back in draft
    until I get lots a people
    to give to Pino's Pies Events.

    Thanks for the info.

    It was either I took to much
    of a close-up or the time of
    day was to bright or both reasons
    the photos didn't come out clear.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  7. Flassie , the soil conditions and location have alot to do with growth. I think it grows larger in shaded areas , the sorrels I've seen in my garden are small , but the sorrels in the woods have larger leaves.

    ~ Herbal Blessings ~
