This hummingbird ornament is my favorite gift this year.My Mom started making it for me.She got my feathers and went wild .I had given her one of the painted glass ornaments we had made to decorate.She took my feathers and glued them all over the ball.After a while her fingers got sticky and the tacky glue got sticky and everytime she stuck a feather to the ball,one would come off(LOL).She got so aggravated.I finally told her to leave it alone and let it dry , then she could finish decorating it.
Well the next day she showed up and took one look at it and told me she was going to throw it away.She said it was ugly and she didn't know what to do with it.It didn't help that my DH told her it looked like a squirrel ball and kept joking about it.
I told her we were not throwing it away , so I took my feather ball ornament and added some spanish moss to cover the glue and holes between the feathers.I told her it would be cute with a walela (hummingbird) in Cherokee , so we added the walela and a natural twine bow and hanger.She was so excited , I can't believe that ugly thing turned out like this she said.She wrapped it before it had time to dry , but luckily it didn't stick to the tissue paper , she wrapped it in.She was so proud of it after it was finished .
I cherish it because it has alot of memories behind it , many laughs , her proud accomplishment (even though I finished it ) and I know it was made with LOVE.
Decided to take a picture instead of drawing it.
Hope everyone was blessed with some magical memories this Christmas !