Hi Everyone ~ Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving , we had 2 Thanksgiving feast. Thanksgiving Day we were at my Mom's , enjoyed a huge feast and spent the afternoon outdoors enjoying a beautiful day. We've had so much rain lately , I was " Thankful " for the sun and being able to get 7 young kids outside to play and run off that youthful energy.
I had all the Grands Fri. , my daughters had to work and the youngest daughter wanted to hit the Black Friday sales early before work , so Curious J and Little Froggy stayed overnight Thur. Boy , did I have my hands full Fri , but I survived (LOL). My youngest daugther got me a new digital camera for Christmas , she gave it to me early.
Sunday , we had Thanksgiving with my Dh's family at my sister-in-laws house. We were Blessed again with wonderful weather , temps in the 70's , so the kids were able to play outside before we ate.
The keets are almost grown as you can see , but one of them was lost to a hawk attack Sunday. Dh saw 2 hawks flying around Sunday , when I went to collect the eggs , the chickens and guinea fowl were hiding in the underbrush. They were clucking , squawking and wouldn't come out for their treats. So I went back to the house and told Dh I thought that the hawk must have tried to attack , because they were hiding and wouldn't come out. Later I strolled back down to the coop , they were starting to come out , but seemed frightened. The 3 older guinea kept going to the edge of the woods and squawking , so I walked over there to check it out. I saw a headless guinea , nothing left but the ribs and alot of feathers , I know this is nature's way , but it was upsetting anyway , so now we have 11 guinea fowl left. Our chickens are still laying well , we're so " Thankful " for those wonderful eggs , they made great sweet potato pies for Thanksgiving.