It's raining ! Just what the garden needs , everything should start growing now. I'm going to plant a row of sunflowers this weekend . Sunflowers are very special to the Cherokee. They protect and draw the sun to your garden. They were considered sacred because they held an important job.
I sure do miss my Dad , he loved this time of year and was a great gardener. I'm sure he is smiling and happy that we are carrying on the tradition,
Robyn hosted a Hippy Swap and I received Lisa Oceandreamer as my swap partner. I have been creating a simple altered book for this swap. Each pocket holds some treasures to take you back in time. I 'm posting a photo of the front cover ,the peace sign is glittery , the photo doesn't do it justice.It was so much fun to make. Hope it makes you Smile , Lisa !
Peace & Hugs to everyone !