I've been busy the last couple of days , it's time to finish my Spring cleaning. I sure do wish I had completed it in the colder months , but things came up and I put it on hold , so now I'm back to cleaning. I spotted a small patch of mold in the bathroom and thought I would try to find a natural remedy instead of bleach to take care of it. While I was searching the net for info on natural mold killers , I found this great info about making your own natural cleaning kit. Thought I would share this link , it has some wonderful homemade formulas for your Spring cleaning needs. Click here ~ http://www.care2.com/greenliving/make-your-own-non-toxic-cleaning-kit.html ~.
I'm out of my pine oil and need to make more , but I had plantain oil on hand , so I've been using it to polish the furniture with. I have used vinegar to clean my windows for quite a few years now , but I think I'm going to try that formula and see how it works. I plan to put together a cleaning kit like that one soon , it's pretty neat.
~ Green Blessings ~
Happy Spring cleaning:o)
I did mine in the cold mons. ,now to spring clean out doors!
Thanks for the site.I make all my supplies.
Have agreat wk.end!
God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done. ~Author Unknown
Thanks for the sharing the link!
God Bless You and Yours!!!
Hi Lib ~ I make most of my cleaners too , but I'm lacking in a few areas , like getting rid of mold (yuck).
Hi Flassie ~ I love that quote , it's beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.
~ Spring Blessings ~
Thank you for the link. I have been making my own cleaners for years but had not been able to find a non-toxic method of cleaning mold.
I never heard of plantain oil, though I love plantains. Thanks for that link!
Great Link, thanks!
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