I meant to post this last week , but life was hectic and I forgot about placing the post in draft. Hubby and I spent Labor Day , laboring in the garden. He got the garden ready to plant the garlic next month and we planted a patch of mixed greens. I also planted 9 cabbage and 9 broccoli in the bed near the garage. We have 9 more broccoli plants and 9 collard plants that still need to be planted , I'm planning to expand the garden bed near garage for those plants. We're going through a drought again , so they need to be planted near access to water. I'm also planning to plant leaf lettuce and spinach , my spinach died back in the Spring , it got to hot under the cold frame , so I'm hoping for better results this time. I've never did Fall planting , so it'll be a new experience.
While hubby was plowing the garden , I did some cleaning up , removed the tomato cages and clay pots from the Roma and Tommy Toe tomatoes. The clay pot irrigation worked wonderfully , I'll definitely use that system again next year. We're still getting a few cucumbers and some small tomatoes from the large tomato vines. We've been eating cucumbers and tomatoes with every evening meal , hubby and I were discussing how much better they seem to taste since they're almost gone , we're sure going to miss them. I've never had cucumbers growing this late into the year , but they taste delicious , so we'll be planting late cucumbers next year too.
We found a few more potatoes as hubby turned the soil , enough for a few more meals. Most of them were cut , so we've been eating them this week before they go bad. I have a few more small potatoes I need to can , hope to get them canned soon.
~ Blessings ~