I think Spring fever has set in , my thoughts are all over the place , so much I want to do and so much I need to do. I finally found a background for this blog I'm satisfied with , I've changed it several times over the last few days. I really like this egg background alot. The tulip tree and daffodils are in full bloom , they're beautiful this year.

I've been washing and hanging the clothes out to dry , a couple of weeks ago I made this clothespin bag. I had seen one made out of a little girls dress in the Lehman's catalog and thought I could make one of those. But I couldn't find a dress to my liking and since I don't have a sewing machine , a little hand stitching would have to do. I found this little pair of coverall shorts and went to work. I sewed the bottom up and simply tacked the straps above the button closure to hold them in place on the hanger. It works great , I just undo the button closure and it hangs down so I have easy access to the clothespins.
Dh cleaned the ashes out of the wood furnace yesterday , so this morning I gathered a bucket and spread some out in the places were the chickens dust bathe. I read a tip in Country Side magazine that said to put ashes under the straw in the hen's nesting boxes , it's suppose to help prevent lice. I thought it might work just as well to add it to the places they dust.
Two of the hens seemed pretty fascinated by the ashes , they kept pecking around in them , then they finally settled down to dust.
Monday I put a new roosting pole in the coop , this hen seem to be afraid of heights yesterday morning. She wouldn't fly down , she kept pacing back and forth , she would stop , look at me and cackle , then pace back and forth again. After awhile she finally decided to jump down to the roost below and then down to the floor , Silly chicken (LOL).
So , do you have " Spring Fever " yet ?
~ Green Blessings ~