The girls have found a new play toy , each afternoon I let the chickens and goats out for about an hour to free range while I keep an eye on them. One day last week I let the chickens out to free range for the day , that afternoon I realized I had a hen missing , Buttercup was gone. I think we have a fox sneaking around , about three weeks ago there was another guinea attack. It was the first night she stayed on her nest , whatever got her , also took all the eggs. The nest had about 50 eggs in it , there wasn't a shell or anything left. It's hard to believe a fox would take all those eggs , but from what I've read they're the only animal that would carry their kill back to the den , so I believe that's what happen.

A part of trying to be self -sufficient not only includes growing your own food , but providing food for the animals that provide food for you. I've been busy gathering red clover and other fodder for the goats. I had red clover dried from last year that I had dried for the rabbit , the goats loved it. I just gather bundles and hang it to dry.

The goats enjoy following me around when I'm gathering clover. I only gather the red clover , Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats says white clover is toxic to them , although I wonder why.

This burlap bag contains dried turnip green stalks , the goats love them. When hubby plowed the greens down and they dried out , the goats would munch on them when I let them out in the evenings.

I have comfrey starting to grow , it will be part of the winter feed and used for its medicinal purposes. Living the Frugal Life has a great post about drying comfrey , you can click here to read ~ http://livingthefrugallife.blogspot.com/2010/05/drying-comfrey.html .
What wild forages do you feed your goats ?
~ Many Blessings ~
What fun to gather your own animal feed. Sorry about the chicken and guineas.
Sorry to hear about the hens!
Love the pix. The goats are growing fast!
You are to be admired JoyceAnn. This is so much work and very rewarding, but still tons of work!
Well done you!
Oh, No! So sorry to hear that
Buttercup is missing and the
guinea attack.
Thanks for sharing the link
and I always enjoy the photos
and whats happening in your
neck of the woods.
Do you remember what site you
went to and seen the geranium?
I almost thought I had id'd it,
but there is a little bit of a
differance in the petals and a
lighter color blossom. Unless
of course the photo was taken
in the sun or with a flash that
would of changed the color lighter.
Thanks for stopping by JoyceAnn!!
God Bless You and Yours!!!
Thanks , JoAnn and Lib !
Thank-you too Marie !
Hi Flassie ~ I 'll try to find that website again. There are several species , but the blooms are different I think.
~ Be Blessed ~
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