We loss another guinea this week , not sure what happen to this one. I found it laying between a barrel and a piece of hubby's equipment. It didn't look like it had been attacked , so I think it might have flown into the metal and broke it's neck. We have 6 guineas left , they're thinning out quickly. Dh and I have been busy this week , we got the fencing up for the goats. We're using chain link and hubby had to make the panels , it was a pain , but it was free and made a great goat pen. We'll be adding more panels as we find them at bargain prices.

You gotta love this pic , Jazz was standing at the door of the new goat shed , looking at me and apparently thinking I'm not sure about this place , it took her awhile before she decided to come in (LOL).

Jo ran in and started exploring right away ...........

Jazz and Jo enjoying their sweet feed in the new goat shed.

Jo ran in and started exploring right away ...........

she found the hay and began eating. I have an old pull around grocery cart that I'm reusing as a hay rack , it works fine and I'm happy to find another use for it .

Jazz and Jo enjoying their sweet feed in the new goat shed.

Thought they wanted to ride , but when I started pulling the wagon , they jumped out (LOL).

The chickens are happy campers , I cleaned their coop yesterday. They're using two of the nesting boxes now.

Ms. Dandelion lays the blue/green eggs .

This is Iris , she lays white eggs ..............

look at the egg she laid yesterday. It's huge , almost 3 inches long , it maybe a double yolker.

We've got a new guest at the chicken coop. I have this old pot hanging outside the coop , I use it to dip water from a barrel to water plants with. But some little birdie decided it would make a great home , guess I'll have to find another dipper.
So , what was on your agenda this week ?
~ Many Blessings ~
I had a busy week - eye surgeon appt in Seattle for Don (great progress being made), small quiling group at an alpaca farm on Thursday, grandson Ben on Friday and we baked cookies - and today I'm going to refinish two end tables for the living room. Great weather all week - yipppeeee.
Hi JoAnn ~ Glad to hear it's going well with Don. The quilting group at an alpaca farm sounds like fun and homemade cookies are always a treat. I plan to bake some next week.
~ Be Blessed ~
Ooh banana bread sounds good. I hope all continues to go well.
Love the goat pen photos and the bird nest in the pot, The goats are so cute. Hope the guineas will be OK. I will be very glad when I get my chicken pen and coop clean. It is a real mess right now. The banana bread looks so good. mmmm!
It is like you live in the garden of eartly delights.
I love the picture of your goat! That is so cute.
Sorry that you lost a guinea.
Love seeing the photos of
the animals. So funny about
the bird nest in your dipper.
Yum Banana Bread, I haven't
made that for awhile now.
God Bless You and Yours!!!
That egg is something else!!
Wow! Was it a double yolk?
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