Kristine over at " Herbal Roots Zine " is giving away a wonderful pendant made by " Mulberry Mudd " , it features the herb" Mullein ". I won the willow pendant a few months ago , love it. You can click here for a chance to win ~ Giveaway Monday: Mulberry Mudd Clay Pendant.
The issue of " Herbal Roots Zine " this month is about mullein. Her e-book { pdf file } is wrote to help children learn about herbs , but it's wonderful for beginning herbalist too. The cost is 6.00 per issue and will be sent to your e-mail address , you can pay through pay-pal or make a credit card payment. Not sure you want to purchase , sign-up for a free issue when you join her mailing list. You will receive a free issue in {pdf file } , great way to see if it's something you would be interested in.
The issue of " Herbal Roots Zine " this month is about mullein. Her e-book { pdf file } is wrote to help children learn about herbs , but it's wonderful for beginning herbalist too. The cost is 6.00 per issue and will be sent to your e-mail address , you can pay through pay-pal or make a credit card payment. Not sure you want to purchase , sign-up for a free issue when you join her mailing list. You will receive a free issue in {pdf file } , great way to see if it's something you would be interested in.
The pendant giveaway ends ( 8-12-10 ) tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. , the drawing will be held Friday , August 13th.
~ Happy Herbal Blessings ~
I missed out on the pendent.
It was real pretty too. I
don't wear jewerly myself.
I've been getting rid of so
much stuff. I want to get
down to the basic. Just
what I need and no more.
Would of been real nice for
a gift though.
Hi Flassie ~ I don't wear much jewelry , but I do like to wear my pendant every once in awhile.
~ Be Blessed ~
I use to wear jewelery sometimes,
but it bother's my FMS. Even if
it is light to wear.
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