today. That's Lame Lucy in the back near the woods , she's the guinea my friend gave me a few weeks ago. I call her Lame Lucy because she has a slight limp. That's her new man , they hang-out together during the day , but come nightfall , she heads for the chicken coop. She also lays her eggs in the nesting box inside the coop. Dh ran over a guinea nest one day last week while mowing , he didn't break any of the eggs , so I gathered them up and put them in the nesting box. I hope she'll go broody soon and hatch those eggs.

There was a cute little spider web on the zucchini , I didn't get the best photo. But maybe if you enlarge the photo , you can see it better.

I walked over to the edge of the field to check on my blueberry bush , was surprised when I saw 7 blueberries on the bush. I had checked it a few weeks ago and saw the berries , but since there were so few I hadn't bothered to go back to pick them. I thought the birds would take care of them , they were still there , ripe and waiting for me. I planted this bush about 5 years ago , it never grew in the first location I planted it. So 2 years ago I dug it up and replanted it , it lived but still hasn't grown much. I was beginning to think I was going to need to move it again , but it has finally taken growth as you can see from the pic above.

I'm so happy , this blueberry bush is very special to me because it's a grand baby bush to some blueberry bushes my late Grandma grew long ago. My sister got a few sprouts from the original bushes and she gave me a bush that sprouted from hers. I picked the 7 blueberries but ate one on the way back to the house , the other six were added to my cereal , they were delish.

I found some wild grapes , I've had my eye on a couple of vines , but I've never seen grapes on this vine before. I want to gather enough to make some wild grape jam.

While I was walking and checking out the edge of the woods for herbs , I spotted this black walnut tree. It has walnuts this year , we had a black walnut tree in the back yard when we first moved here , but years ago Hurricane Fran brought a huge oak tree down on the walnut tree. Black Walnuts have medicinal properties and I want to learn more about them. We talked about them in the herbal/wild foods class I took a few years ago.

I really enjoyed catching up with you today. Wow, your garden is really producing. Beautiful!
Yay...i so love Lame Lucy..awww..she is adorable and enchanting! Glad the eggs are aok. what an advnture, beautiful nature photos...they are all so gorgeous!
Wonderful post!
Have a sparkling day
What a lovely walk. It is very beautiful. I have a little blueberry bush, but the strawberries keep trying to choke it out. Love the spider picture at the end.
I had the same breakfast today. My blueberries came from the store though. How special to have a that heritage blueberry bush.
A 'writing' spider! They are beautiful.
A couple of the outer leaves to your left on the plant to ID look like violet leaves but nothing else resembles violet.
"somewhere" in one of my blogs, I wrote of wild grape jam I made when I was six. Built a tiny fire beside the road. Probably used a hundred matches. Hours it took but I wound up with half a 5 oz. glass; oh the pride I basked in! It was good.
Hi Lisa ~ Glad you stopped by , the garden is doing o.k. for the amount of rain we've had.
Hi Kiki ~ Lame Lucy is quite a character , she's fun to watch.
Hi Teresa ~ It was a lovely walk , glad you enjoyed it.
Hi Gemma ~ Really good to hear from you. I guess the saying could be" Great minds eat alike " (LOL).
Hi Sissy ~ I think the writing spiders are beautiful.
Those are violets growing next to the plant I'm trying to i.d. , I need to take better photos of the plant.
That's a cute story about making wild grape jam when you were young.
~ Blessings To You All ~
Enjoyed your lovely walk!
Blueberries and Walnuts are
both good for the brain.
Beautiful gift your Grandmother
left for generations to enjoy!!
Maybe blueberry bushes need to
take some time before they
produce a crop.
Are the blossoms on that plant
closed up that you want id?
Glad the eggs didn't get broken.
Miss Lucy with her Knight in
Feathered armor are beautiful!
Thanks JoyceAnn for stopping by!
I thought the last one seemed
to fit better too, with that
sketch that I drew.
God Bless You and Yours!!!
PS. This year didn't seem like
a lot of elderberries on the
bush that I hoped to get some
from. I do hope to get a pic
of the birds this time.
Grosbecks just love them. So
many I seen eating the berries
off that Elderberry bush last
year. They have one less bush.
But I notice another bush is
growing back up from the one
the city cut down. There is
another one not far but it is
producing even less berries.
The city sprayed the area I
forge in so I'll have to find
another spot. Do not know why
they always have to kill plants.
I wonder if that is a reason the
bees are dying off.
I do not always see a lot of
birds going for some of the
berries that are mentioned on
garden shows.
Grape jam will be delightful!
God Bless You and Yours!!!
That web looks jagged and wild!
I never seen a web like that
before. I wonder what type of
spider made it.
Me again.
Is the small leaf with small
blossoms attached to the larger
leaf plant?
Hi Flassie ~ Curious J spent the night , so I don't have time to look at that plant today. I plan to take more photos and post them tomorrow. I don't know what the flower is in the other post either. Hope to find out this week.
Thanks for your interest and help !
~ Blessings ~
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