this flowering bush. I have a patch of these growing near the garden , one has pink blooms and the other has white blooms.

This is what the blooms look like before they open.

This is the white bloom I posted yesterday.

Sorry for the terrible photo , but I think you can see the cluster of blooms.

This is what the leaf looks like.

It grows into a small bush/tree. I wonder if it's a Hibiscus Tree or in the Hibiscus family. Does anyone know what it is ?
Hope you had a wonderful weekend !!
~ Blessings ~
I'm guessing Hollyhocks.
And since I'm here I just love how cheerful your blog always is!
Thanks for sharing!
Here we call it Althea Bush or Rose of Sharon. Funny My sisters name is Sharon and she live on Althea Dr. named that because all the Althea bushes on the st.
The hummers and bees loves the bloom. You can start bushes by cutting a limb and sticking in the ground or transplanting a bush.Ive never had luck with a cutting,my sis. started mine and I transplanted.
Hope you're having a great wk.
Hi Char ~ It's great to hear from you. The blooms do look like hollyhock , but it's not hollyhock.
Hi Lib ~ Thanks for the correct i.d. , that's what they are and it's a member of the hibiscus family. I thought the blooms looked alot like hibiscus blooms. I've always wondered what they were , we had them growing in the yard when I was kid. They sure are beautiful !! Enjoyed reading the story about your sister , that is a coincidence.
~ Blessings ~
I've never seen those, but I did recognize they were part of the hibiscus family. Glad you got your information. They are beautiful flowers.
I wondered if it was a Hollyhock
too. Glad you got an id on it.
Now we know.
I liked Libs sister story too!
God Bless You and Yours!!!
Sure is a pretty flower and that's a nice big bush. Must be wonderful to have all that color and green around.
In my neck of the woods it is called Rose of Sharon. Hollyhock blooms are similar but they grow on tall stalks with much smaller blooms. Yep, this is Rose of Sharon. I have a line of them along a bank. In fact, just this year, I have collected the buds and blooms to dry. Beautiful lasting color her...if dried; a slimy mess when spent and wet. The japanese beetles must love them. My bushes are covered with those destructive creatures that mutilate so much.
So pretty.. i am not sure what they are....gorgeous blooms though..ENJOy!!
Yeah, I know this as rose of sharon - beautiful!
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