Thought I would share a few of the other characters that hang around the garden. We have an " Garden Angel " that keeps a watchful eye.

Snoopy and Woodstock are out there too , flapping about , telling the deer to stay away.

A basket of soap hangs near the end of the garden that is next to the wooded area. Ms. Crew with her stinky cologne , the little garden angel , Snoopy , Woodstock and the basket of used soap pieces have did a great job at keeping the deer and other critters away from the garden this year.

But it's been so hot and we've had so very little rain , that the garden isn't thriving. The yellow and zucchini squash have did pretty well and the cucumbers did good for about a week..

But now the cucumber vines are dying , the corn ears aren't developing , the pepper plants are dying and the tomatoes are so small. It's really disappointing , but I'm Thankful for the small harvest we have been blessed with. We bought the okra and tomatoes from a local farm last week , that's what we made the salsa and pickled okra with. My Mom neighbor's helped her pick grapes over the weekend. I juiced them yesterday , so tomorrow grape jelly and zucchini bread are on the agenda.
Your garden critters are very cute. I use Liquid Fence for Deer - it works great - smells awful to humans for a few minutes - and repels the deer perfectly, and it is organic and safe. We are not having enough heat to grow anything - we need to average our weather.
Oh dear, sorry about your garden. Love the characters you have hanging around the garden!
Painting... that's what I'm going to be doing next week.
I have enjoyed meeting the wonderful characters who stand guard over your garden! :0)
So sorry the garden has not done well. We have had too much humidity and too many bugs for our crop to do well this year.
Good Morning JoyceAnn...
Love the wonderful Garden Guardians! I'm so sorry your garden is not doing well...mine is starting to come back now that we have had a bit of rain, so I will pray for you to receive a good gentle soaking rain. Last week I had one tiny cucumber on my vines and this week I have many coming on. Not many tomatoes yet but a few are ripening, the beans are few and far between so I have been drying them out and will plant another fall crop of them, as I have with cucumbers and will plant some more cool weather goodies. I agree we need to be grateful for what we do receive from Mother Earth.
I wish for you a spectacular week!
Fun cute characters acting
out their daily parts on
cue to keep the critters
away. Great ideas!!
Sorry some of your crops
are not getting enough
water. I've recyceled water
and used it on plants when
the well was having some
difficulties at a place I
had taken care some years
ago. You'd be surprized just
how much water would other
wise go down the drain.
Glad you've been blessed
with some harvest at least.
My daily agenda is a day
to daily experiance of the
unknown regions of sorts,
packed with an abundance of
what to do next. lol!
I took that Thistle Eating
blog entry out of draft as
soon as I put in a photo I
took of a Thistle & Bug with
wings. I also added a link to
some recipes that I haven't
went all the way though yet.
There is about 97 of them.
Have a Great Week!!
God Bless You and Yours!!!
I just love all the critters hanging out in your garden. I might have to figure out my own version of critters to keep the deer out of the orchard this fall/winter.
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